Project Meetings

Project Meeting – Krakow
Scientists from the EUthyroid project fear that up to 50% of all new-borns in Europe do not reach their full cognitive potential due to iodine deficiency. [...]
Project Meeting – Krakow
Scientists from the EUthyroid project fear that up to 50% of all new-borns in Europe do not reach their full cognitive potential due to iodine deficiency. [...]
Project Meeting – Belgrade
Little information about the iodine status of the European public is available and even the potential impact on public health remains uncertain. The [...]
Project Meeting – Copenhagen
Europe remains a patchwork with respect to iodine deficiency prevention programmes, as national programmes are diverse and lack coordination. The EUthyroid [...]
Projekt Meeting – Kopenhagen
Europa ist nach wie vor ein Flickenteppich in Bezug auf die Prävention von Iodmangel, da die nationalen Programme ohne Harmonisierung durchgeführt werden. [...]
Kick–Off Meeting – Wien
Europa verfügt derzeit nicht über ein harmonisiertes Konzept, um eine ausreichende Jodaufnahme europäischer Bürger sicherzustellen und gesundheitliche [...]
Kick–Off Meeting – Vienna
Europe currently has no harmonised approach to ensure that the iodine intake of European citizens is sufficient to prevent health problems. EUthyroid [...]